Minutes 2024

Town of Horicon public Library
Horicon Library Board of Trustees
Monthly Meeting November 16, 2024

Attendees: Joan Johnson, Joyce Greenidge, Greta Heilman, Debra Eves, Sara Mullins, Kawana Smith, Pam Eastman

Vouchers Signed: #2024-70

Motion to accept minutes for October made by Greta and seconded by Sara.

Motion to accept Treasurer’s report for October made by Sara and seconded by Joyce.

Director’s Report
October patronage reflected a typical drop from September through December but “Trunk or Treat” in the library was attended by 84 children. Kawana welcomed new patrons who recently moved to the area.

Kawana reported that a remaining $914 should suffice to cover general expenses for the rest of 2024. She anticipates a larger bill than usual to pay an invoice for children’s nonfiction, but has sufficient funds from grants that include an estimated $650 from The Adirondack Foundation and $500 from a private donation for children’s non-fiction. Deb offered to write a press release regarding the donations.

Kawana is excited about a new source of illustrated books from DK Publishers that focus on science and history. An anonymous donation of $100 will help cover the cost. She is considering a donation of culled books to the Countryside Adult Home.

The Friends are planning to hold “Christmas in Brant Lake” on December 8th that will include a gingerbread house workshop and “Letters to Santa.”

Representative Matt Simpson has indicated that he will pass on $20,000 in Bullet Aid money to the library.

Kawana wants to fill out a request for some funding to have Gabe work throughout the winter.

The “Traumatic Brain Injury” program presented by Janet Schliff went well.

Greta’s “Meet the Candidates” program attracted 25 people, including all of the candidates. She suggested that the library hold this event in August or September during an election year.

Colleen removed books in the closet. SALS can dispose of books; Kawana will check into how this works.

New Business
Jack Scott will meet with us in January. Geneva is the top choice for the new library website. We can meet in December to review sample pages.

The New York Department of Education requires that meeting minutes be posted within two weeks of the library’s board meetings. Minutes could be posted online.

Each trustee is asked to attend two town meetings per year.

Reading assignment: Planning and Evaluation through Conclusion, pp. 89-131

Next Meeting Date: Monday, December 16, 2024