Horicon Free Public Library
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
September 16, 2024
Attendees: Joan Johnson, Joyce Greenidge, Greta Heilman, Debra Eves, Director Kawana Smith
Vouchers Signed: #2024, 2039-2061
Motion to accept minutes for July and August made by Joyce and seconded by Greta.
Motion to approve Treasurer’s report made by Greta and seconded by Joyce.
Joan will ask for an increase to 20 hours over two weeks from the present 5 hours for the Library Clerk in 2025.
Discussion about putting all minutes, etc. on thumb drives beginning in January 2025. Kawana agreed to purchase additional drives to continue this project.
All present approved Joan purchasing a safe from Amazon for the records we must keep as mandated by NYS and SALS.
Approved by unanimous vote to give Dan Smith and Deborah Phelp a $100 honorarium each for the programs they presented.
We also voted to give Gabe Heilman an honorarium in the form of a gift certificate for volunteering in the lirary from January to June and September to December of 2024.
Kawana distributed reports from July and August.
— Summer Reading Report
— Number of people that came in during the Food Truck Friday
— She contacted the author Janet Johnson Schliff to discuss her new book Whatever Happened to My White Picket Fence. This will take place on October 19, 2024, at 2 pm.
— The Easy Reader books are being re-shelved by grade level. This is in response to requests made by our patrons.
— Discussed the change in format for the Supervisor’s report, Kawana will give us a preview at the October meeting.
— Kawana discussed the progress she has made at putting all our minutes, etc. on a thumb drive. She will purchase additional drives to complete the transferring of information necessary.
— Supervisor Geraci advised Kawana that he has contracted to have the carpets cleaned in the building including the library. Also, the back door access will be made ready for handicapped access soon.
— According to correspondence received, all interaction with SCPL (Schenectady Public Library) has been stopped. SALS has planned for all materials belonging to our library to be returned.
Kawana gave us the vacation schedule for the staff. Lou Ann will be out 10/2-10/25/2024, she will also be away from 11/6 with no return scheduled at this time. Kawana will be on vacation 10/27-11/1/2024.
October 20th-26th is National Friends of the Library week. We decided to invite the Friends to the library for dessert and coffee during that week.
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Greenidge