JUNE 20, 2022
A meeting of the Horicon Free Public Library was held on June 20, 2022, 9:30 am. President Joan Johnson called the meeting to order. Present were Joyce Greenidge, Patricia Tunney, Ann Murphy, Sandy Carpenter and Kawana Smith. Guest Bob Olson. Minutes were passed out and reviewed. Joyce made a motion to accept minutes, Ann seconded.
Treasurer Report – Ann
She passed out the report and a revised January report. Total the same but Vouchers 11 and 12 were replaced.
Balance $5,501.74. Balance end of May is $4,555.
Vouchers 60 and 71 will be on June report. Vouchers signed – 72 through 85.
Kawana (Library Director) passed out report. She showed that attendance for the summer for adults and children is going up. Adult PC usage is also busy. She had to buy more ink for public printer and prices are increasing. She also made up a Chart of Holdings and Circulation by Collection in her report. Kawana explained it to us. A Jerry Kline grant was mentioned and information was passed out. We will look into the possibility of trying for it.
Friends has called Kawana to ask to be more involved in the library. Maybe they will find a project for the children for the summer.
Baker & Tayler charged full price for books — she will check on the matter.
Vicki got the children’s chair fixed and also donated another chair.
Eleven children signed up for sunflower planting. Four children cannot follow through and seven children remain interested.
Will check with Becky to see if projector is available for movie nights.
(Note mileage is now at 62-1/2 cents)
On Friday nights the Food Trucks will be at Town Hall, we will put up an exhibit of children’s art. Joan will look into it.
Bob Olson said the Town voted to pay Kawana by voucher through the end of t he year for her attendance at our meetings. Bob Mentioned that we let him know if we need anything before the meetings.
Joyce and Joan said we have lots of interesting resolutions to do – such as revamping system for computers – phone – new audio-visual system. We need to be at meetings to take care of these items. Next year will be Memorial Parade in Brant Lake. Ann noted that next year in Lake Placid the Mini-Olympics will be held. She recommended we have a display. Adirondack Explorer has information. Joan made a motion to have Joanne McGhie as fiscal advisor, Sandy seconded.
Next meeting – July 18, 2022.
Ann made a motion to adjourn, Joyce seconded.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia Tunney, Secretary