MARCH 21, 2022
A meeting of the Horicon Free Public Library was held on March 21, 2022, 9:30 am. Present were Kawana Smith, Joan Johnson, Ann Murphy, Sandy Carpenter and Patricia Tunney — Joyce Greenidge absent. Guests were Sara Mullins and JoAnn McGhie.
February minutes were read and correction was made. Under vouchers #1-13 – budget balance was $5,689.86. Sandra made a motion to accept with correction, Ann seconded.
Treasurer’s Report
Ann passed out the January and February reports and went over the expenditures. JoAnn explained details about interest noted on end of year report. Pat made a motion to accept report, Joan seconded.
Vouchers 14-36 were submitted for signature and approved.
Kawana Report
February activity is steady for this time of year. Puzzles are for sale in library and selling well. We had three new patrons, five new visitors and one volunteer during the month. She also talked about various books she bought from Baker & Taylor. Audio and large print are late in arriving.
She is trying to contact Chester Library to plan the summer reading program. She is looking into other projects for the summer.
Kawana was asked by Dave Bourque, Editor The Brantlaker, to write an article about our library which will be published soon.
Kawana submitted annual report. Has program where children are participants while reading. Discussed other summer events in Brant Lake such as Food Truck on Friday evenings. (Noted that Lou Ann works 15 hrs. – Kawana works 20 hrs.) We would have to discuss library being open on Friday evening.
Kawana says SALS needs duplicate library key for their deliveries. Driver will have to sign for it.
Kawana will be getting cordless phone for library. Krista added our link to town computer. Next meeting we will discuss possible changes to By-Laws.
We will be needing a new computer and one public computer. Monitors are 10 years old and need to be replaced. Ann made a motion to replace a computer and monitor. Pat seconded.
On April 14th there is a town board meeting
Monday, April 18th, will be next meeting at Town Hall – 9:30 am.
Sandra made a movement to adjourn, Ann seconded.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia Tunney